By Skip La Cour
Six Time National Bodybuilding Champion
Success Coach
Don’t Assume That You’ll Look Your Best Without Some Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Psychological Adjustments Along the Way
No matter how well you may think you are doing at preparing for your upcoming contest, you can never let up. You must continue working diligently and intelligently all the way up until the time you step off stage after the evening show.
You simply can't take anything for granted. Nothing! You just can't let up until the very end—and not a minute before it's completely finished. You can't waste valuable time due to complacency. You can never get back the time you've wasted.
There's always more you can do. There's always a higher level to achieve. When you consider staying focused, eliminating distractions, keeping the proper level of motivation, commitment, and perspective, weight training, dieting, cardiovascular training, posing practice, tanning, staying in stock with everything you need, preparing what you need for the actual show, making sure your "regular" life doesn't get too of out whack, and somehow getting your mind right so can enjoy the journey (without enjoying it too much, if you know what I mean), there are simply too many aspects to the contest preparation process for you to let yourself become complacent.
I like to compare contest preparation to flying an airplane. Who cares how well you are flying the plane halfway through your trip if you make a crash-landing at the end of it?